Attention Fishermen

Ponds located on the golf courses (Golf Course Ponds 1 and 2) are available for night-time fishing when the golf course is closed to golfers.  Golf course ponds 1 & 2 are also open for day-time fishing, but anglers may only fish from the dams and north shoreline of these two ponds.  Vehicles shall not be driven on the golf course.  You must walk to these ponds.


NOTICE:  All anglers please ensure that you are completing harvest data whether you catch any fish or not.


No sign out is required for Heise's Pond if you practice catch and release only.


Anglers, you can help us improve the fishing in Fort Jackson's ponds by reporting what fish you catch and release or keep.  Please complete the survey accurately during the check-out process.  This information is used to make more-informed decisions related to the management of the ponds.


Attention Cyclist and Runners- six Range-Area cycling/running routes have been established, and are now available for check-in.  Please remember to check-out after completing your ride or run.  Also, please keep your mobile phone with you, so that you may receive important text messages from iSportsman.


Attention Hunters

Hunt Area Boundaries - in addition to deer stand changes, many of the hunt area boundaries were changed in July 2018. The revised Deer Hunting Map accurately reflects the recent changes to the training area boundaries found on the official Fort Jackson Military Installation Map.  Please reference the updated hunting map prior to checking in to scout or hunt.  The updated maps are located under Maps/Reference Maps on the iSportsman home page.

Area Closure Map - the iSportsman Area Closure Map (interactive map) has not yet been updated with new deer stand locations and numbers, nor the training area boundary changes.  Please reference the Deer Hunting Map located on the reference maps page for the time being.

Daytime Coyote Hunting - please note that the hours of daytime coyote hunting are 1 hour prior to official sunrise to 1 hour after official sunset.